If you’re new to Maranatha or are considering joining us for a service, we hope you’ll find a place where you feel welcomed and at home … even if you’ve never been to church before. Our hope is that you will be changed by God’s Word, encouraged by His people and touched by His presence.


In the Spring of 2022, during my recovery from my ruptured brain aneurysm in September 2021, my husband and I were just overwhelmed by the miracles Jesus blessed us with, along with all of the thousands of prayers we received during this time. It was at this time that we realized we just needed more spiritually. We searched around a bit, attended a couple of new churches and then decided to give MCC a try. Turns out, this was one of the greatest decisions we have made in our lives! The second we walked thru the doors that first Sunday morning, our lives were changed. We could just feel God’s presence. From the pastors to the Dream Team leaders to the congregation, all just feel like family. We couldn’t be happier to call MCC our church home

Missy Breshears

“I have been a member of Maranatha for over 20 years and I cannot imagine my life without my MCC family! The vision of the pastors to see people walk in freedom in every area of their lives is real and authentic. I love seeing the Holy Spirit move in the worship and the word going forward every week! Church is not somewhere we go, the church is what we are!”

Melissa Motes

“My Husband and I have been members at Maranatha for many years. We have the most amazing Pastors and Leaders who Preach and Teach about Salvation and having a closer walk with our Lord and Savior. Maranatha is a wonderful place to worship and has such a welcoming and loving spirit to all who attend.”

Karen Ramsey

MCC is founded on Biblical truths, and is a place where we have grown tremendously in our knowledge and understanding of the Lord.  It’s a friendly church where you will be greeted at the door and welcomed in. The proof of God’s love will be evident immediately! All are drawn in and encouraged to be a part of a friendly church family…come visit!

John and Debbie Booth

Upcoming Events

Karaoke Night – Sing For Your Supper

February 22 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm