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MCC Share is available to individuals and families who are facing food insecurity in the 75559 zip code. We will be open the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10am – 12pm.  Our pantry is located in the small building behind Maranatha Christian Center at 700 West Front St.


  • Resident of 75559 zip code
  • Picture ID
  • Proof of residence or official document (utility bill, lease agreement, etc)


*If you would like to donate to MCC Share, specific items currently needed are:

  • Breakfast Cereal
  • Soups (all kinds)
  • Canned Meats (Tuna Fish, Canned Chicken)
  • Ravioli, Chili, etc.
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • Rice and Dried Beans (1lb. bags)
  • Peanut Butter
  • Rice-A-Roni or other Boxed Meals
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Canned Vegetable (especially Carrots and Peas)
  • Canned Fruits
  • Noodles

For more information email info@maranathadekalb.org

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