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It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year, right? We pray that during this Christmas season, you will feel the joy and peace of our Lord and Savior as we celebrate HIS birth and keep our focus on what truly matters. We know December can be a busy month and schedules change, so here are some important things for you to know about our service schedule for December.
We will meet for all of our mid week services. So Wednesday Nights DO NOT CHANGE. Join one of our kids classes or small groups here each Wednesday night at 6:30pm.
This year, Christmas Day and New Years Day both fall on a Sunday, so here is what those days will look like:
Sunday December 25th, we will NOT meet for our Sunday Morning Service. Enjoy time with your family and loved ones.
Sunday, Jan 1st – New Years Day We will NOT have service on Sunday, BUT….we are MOVING it to Saturday Night, New Years Eve! Thats right! New Years Eve starting at 5:30, We are having a full service including worship, communion, and a message to celebrate 2022 and LAUNCH into 2023…We are calling this our New Years Eve Kickoff! AND we are going to end the night with a FIREWORKS CELEBRATION! There really is no better way to wrap up the year and prepare our hearts for the NEW YEAR!!! So we encourage you to join us for this very special time!

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